The Assembly does not forget its friends

5 February 2018, 12:32 1127

In the House of Friendship of the city of Uralsk, in the framework of the days of ethnic groups, a memorial evening was held dedicated to the head of the Dungan ethno-cultural association of the APK WKR Abdumanap Karimov, who died prematurely.

На вечер памяти собрались члены всех этнокультурных объединений АНК ЗКО, родственники, друзья, дети  Абдуманапа Каримова. Всю свою сознательную жизнь Абдуманап Каримов посвятил Западно - Казахстанской области, его друзьями стали казахи,  азербайджанцы, русские, татары, армяне и другие представители всех этносов, проживающие в нашей области.

As the deputy chairman of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of the West Kazakhstan region Gaisa Kapakov noted, Abdumanap Karimov left his mark in the history of our region not by loud posts but by good deeds - he helped the needy, was faithful to friendship, served the cause of harmonization of relations between the ethnic groups in the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan . Then all the leaders of ethnocultural associations spoke and told how their friend Abdumanap was. Friends of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan never forgot "their boyfriend - Abdumanapa" and decided to gather in a circle of friends and relatives, dedicating a memory evening to him.

Abdumanap Karimov was born in Zhambyl region in the village of Dunganovka, now Zhalpak tobe, since childhood he has absorbed the traditions of his people, according to him, "he was a Dungan by birth, and in the soul - Kazakh", loved Kazakh music, Kazakh cuisine, along with his native language, fluent in the Kazakh language. He began his labor activity as a builder, procurer, later engaged in business. According to the memoirs of friends and relatives, Abdumanap never sat idle, was carried away by his work and was very fond of hunting and fishing. Many people knew about it, local newspapers wrote about it, the Russian TV channel "Hunting and Fishing" shot a story about the Ural hunter with the Dungan roots and soul of a Kazakh, but he could not see himself on the air, he died suddenly before he reached the 55th anniversary.

Since 1887 the Dungan people have forever linked their destiny with the Kazakh people, together with other ethnic groups and along with all Kazakhstanis a great historical path of development has taken place. In the Urals, the Dungan ECA was opened on August 22, 2007. The main occupation of the Dungans from time immemorial was agriculture, they are distinguished by diligence, passion for crafts, love of musical folklore.
