Teachers Say, School Mediation is Necessary as a Preventive Measure

10 October 2019, 11:00 1219

Mediation offices are to open in schools of Sarykol district.

This was reported by teachers of the district after the plenary session of the Public Chamber with the participation of Public Consent Council of the regional APK. According to the teachers, endorsed the offer of Olga Evdokimova, a member of science and expert group, Head of APK Department at Sultangazin KSPU to create a school mediation room in Sarykol district.

—Opening such offices in our district is already an obvious need," said Irina Naumenko, Head of Sarykol District Education Department. - It's no secret that there are conflicts at schools. Not only among children, but also among parents of schoolchildren. Sometimes it happens that children forget about the quarrel, and their mothers or fathers continue to sort things out. I believe that school mediation is necessary, first of all, as a preventive measure. Children need to learn not only how to resolve the conflict, but also how to avoid it. Since childhood, children need to be taught the concepts of friendship and consent.

In turn, Olga Evdokimova promised to help with all the necessary materials for the opening and productive work of the school mediation room.

Also, Bibigul Akkuzhina, Head of the Secretariat of regional APK made a speech to the residents of the district explaining the activities of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, and Alibek Tabuldenov, Director of Institute of Economics and Law, member of Science and Expert Group told about the Address by the President Qassym-Jomart Tokayev.

After the plenary session, the experts received held consultations for the citizens. Many people were interested in the issue of targeted social assistance and whether it is possible to use their pension savings before retirement.

- Unfortunately, at the moment it is impossible to use retirement savings, neither for payment of tuition fees, nor for treatment or purchase of housing," explained Murat Muratbekov, Head of the Department of the Committee for Labor, Social Protection and Migration in Kostanay region. - Now the government is working to resolve this issue and by the end of the year it will be known how many and which categories of citizens will be able to take money from their pension account.
