Taraz included in world list of cities of artisans

25 May 2023, 14:57 1937

During the briefing held in the Central Communications Service, Akim of Zhambyl region Nurzhan Nurzhigitov spoke about the development of the spheres of culture and tourism, El.kz reports with reference to the press service of the akimat of Zhambyl region.

In the Zhambyl region this year, 11.9 billion tenge has been allocated for the development of the cultural sphere, 14 facilities are being built and 4 facilities are being overhauled.  By the end of the year, the level of provision of cultural and leisure institutions will reach 84.8%. 94 staff units of leaders were introduced, 143 cultural and creative clubs were opened.  By 2027, it is planned to build Houses of Culture in 34 settlements of the region and bring the level of provision of cultural and leisure institutions to 100%.

Speaking about the development of tourism, Nurzhan Nurzhigitov stressed that the region is rich in historical and cultural monuments. Last year, Taraz was the first city in Kazakhstan to be included in the World List of Cities of Artisans.

Currently, 6 investment projects worth 7.4 billion tenge are being implemented in the tourism sector. This year, the recreation center "Almaly" and the recreation area "Koksai resort" were opened.

During his speech, the head of the region paid special attention to the development of the city of Taraz.

- We abandon image projects and make every effort to solve social problems. Today, projects are being implemented to reconstruct 2 streets of the city, carry out medium repairs of 118 streets, restore all irrigation systems of the city, build a water supply system in 7 residential areas and build 2 railway crossings, Nurzhan Nurzhigitov said.
