26 June 2019, 16:05 1752

2019 year was marked by an important date in the history of independent Kazakhstan - the 30th anniversary of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Nursultan Nazarbayev in a high position in the management of the country.

For 30 years, Elbasy has been leading the state, pursuing a well-structured, efficient, wise and far-sighted policy aimed at harmonizing inter-ethnic relations, thanks to which mutual understanding and support have become the spiritual principles of our country, and the multinational factor has become a real asset of the republic. Thanks to the mutual enrichment with the traditions of different ethnic minorities, the people of Kazakhstan have managed to find spiritual wealth, form a unique culture and build a progressive nation. We are grateful to the Leader of the nation, Nursultan Nazarbayev, for peace, tranquility and stability in our common home.

The historical merit of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is that today Kazakhstan is a modern and universally recognized state in the world with dynamically developing market economy, with large economic, industrial, scientific, cultural potential and new innovative technologies.

The idea of Eurasianism, promoted by Elbasy at different levels, became not only a consolidating factor, but also the foundation for the construction of the young republic. Thanks to the titanic efforts of the First President, the international authority of our country has been strengthened. The recognition of Kazakhstan by the international community is evidenced by the country's presidency in many authoritative international organizations in different years. At the present stage, Kazakhstan has the status of a major regional power in the Eurasian space, plays an active role in the system of international relations and has taken a worthy place on the political map of the world.

Kazakhstan's success in social and economic development and in the international arena, its recognition by the international community as a leading state in Central Asia is largely due to the dynamic development of the capital. The main city of the country - Nur-Sultan, named in honor of the First President, is a symbol of the historical triumph of Elbasy, a unique and beautiful capital of the XXI century, the main architect of which is the leader of the nation.

We highly appreciate the enormous contribution of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the construction and creation of a new Kazakhstan, as well as to the creation of favorable conditions for the establishment and development of cooperation at the interstate level. The development of the republic, achieved under the leadership of the First President of Kazakhstan, united the people of Kazakhstan in the name of the great present and future of our Fatherland, formed a united people, carrying multicultural values. This is the main result of the work of the Leader of the Nation, the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev!

Dana Tugambekova

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