20 October 2018, 05:49 1428

Head of state Nursultan Nazarbayev has issued another Address to the people of Kazakhstan on October 5.

The first Address was announced on October 10, 1997. It was devoted to the priorities of the Strategy of development of Kazakhstan until 2030. 

Since then, the presentation of such a policy document has become an annual tradition.

For 21 years, more than two dozen Addresses aimed at strengthening and improving the welfare of the people of Kazakhstan were announced. They covered the most relevant aspects of the life of Kazakhstan's society.  

Addresses of the President to the people of Kazakhstan were translated into 15 languages and spread around the world. 1.5 million materials on the Address, a total circulation of over seventy million units were published.

In 1999, the shortest message of the President was published. It consisted of only 1,436 words. With regard to the most voluminous Address of Head of state, it was announced in 2013. Programme document had 15465 words.

These historical documents most often used the words "state", "security", "economy", "quality", "innovation", "social", "world", "unity", "competitiveness", "business" and others. It can be concluded which priority issues were covered in the Addresses only on the basis of these words.

There are also cases in history when the Head of state delivered the Address twice a year. For example, in 2012, the President first addressed Kazakhstan people on January 27. The document was called "Socio-economic modernization is the main vector of Kazakhstan’s development". On December 14 of the same year, Head of state announced the Address "Strategy "Kazakhstan – 2050" - a new political course of the established state".

Asan Kaliakhmet


