Solve problems not in words, but in deeds

4 January 2018, 05:21 1288

In Uralsk, V Forum of Public Councils of the APK WKR took place, at which issues of ensuring active participation of Council members in solving vital problems of the population, enhancing the role of the Soviets, as a mechanism of public control, the effectiveness of the participation of the PCC in the implementation of the program "Ruhani zhangiru", and also reviewed the experience of the Soviets at the district, city, rural levels and enterprises.

The forum was attended by chairmen and members of the councils of public consent of all levels, councils of mothers and elders, heads of state bodies, representatives of ethno-cultural associations, NPO.

By the way, for today 239 Soviets of public consent of all levels and enterprises of the regional center have been created in the region. They consist of 4507 people. Regional Council of Public APK agreement consists of 52 people, including heads of state agencies, members of political parties, non-governmental organizations, businessmen, heads of ethnocultural associations, members of the scientific and expert group, the mothers of the Council, the Council of Elders and prominent public figures.

Welcomed the participants of the forum, Deputy akim Gabidolla Ospankulov. In his speech, he noted that today Kazakhstan entered a new historical period, having duly passed the way from gaining Independence, joining the 50 most competitive countries of the world to the third modernization, which will be implemented in subsequent years.

- Today the main task of which is designated to contact the head of state - a development strategy until 2050 and the entry of Kazakhstan into the top 30 most competitive countries of the world. This is a very serious goal, but it is achievable. And, as the President noted, this should be not only development in the economy, but also in other spheres, including modernization of public consciousness. One of the main directions of this modernization is the program article "Ruhani zhangiru". It outlines the main task - to be spiritually prepared for all changes and, above all, for the modernization of ourselves. To achieve these goals, we must move forward together. And in this case, a very important role is assigned to the Public Harmony Councils, which, as demonstrated by practice, own the true state of affairs on the ground and timely identify the most significant problems, raise the most pressing issues of concern to the population and, following the discussion, make concrete proposals that are put before state executive bodies. Therefore, the forum where they can voice the current problems and issues of the Council of Representatives districts and enterprises, has for all of us very important, - said G. Ospankulov.
