7 February 2019, 11:46 1264

What is the idea of sociocultural hubs?

Values of Assembly of people of Kazakhstan can be popularized among inhabitants of villages and monocities with benefit for the budget. Serious potential for such work is laid in the idea of socio-cultural development of regions.

Today, the state pays a lot of attention to the social and cultural development of Kazakhstani citizens, especially those living in small settlements. One of the strongest platforms is being created on the platform of "Rukhani zhangyru" program proposed by the head of state. The real success of the projects depends on a number of factors:

- First of all, only projects where business is interested in attracting an audience are of interest to the consumer;

- Secondly, the project should have a certain "highlight", which APK members are able to offer;

- Thirdly, the government should provide support, and in this case it is not even financial, but motivational.

We see simple and clear examples in Russia, where private museums of Tatar or Russian national cuisines are very popular. For example, chak-chak museum or a museum of Tula gingerbread, a brand known far beyond the Federation. Such museums introduce their visitors to the national culture and traditions. Families with children come here to immerse themselves in the culture of another nation, learn how to prepare new national dishes and spend time in a warm and heartfelt atmosphere.

Social and private projects for people with disabilities are also being actively developed. Here, physically healthy guests have an opportunity to better understand the world with obstacles and, thus, increase the social responsibility of society as a whole.

Such modern historical family and leisure centers can hardly be called entertaining. They raise the level of culture and spread the ideas of spiritual unity.

In Kazakhstan, social and cultural hubs can become centres of attraction of modern ideas and high spiritual values. These are open public spaces where people will meet to learn something new, to establish communication, and to spend leisure time with pleasure.

The idea of creating socio-cultural hubs on the basis of district and village libraries is viable. This will help to bring the readers back to the empty halls, but in a new format.

The main "chip" can be the projects of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan: national dance schools, cooking courses or evenings of poetry. Such classes can be opened in the vacant premises of the building. If there will be an inexpensive coffee shop on the same territory, you can be alone with an interesting book behind a cup of aromatic drink. Another option is to open stores of educational toys, books, stationery. In short, to give the business an opportunity to earn on the existing platform by transferring it into trust management within the framework of PPP.

As a result, the state reduces the cost of maintaining such libraries and receives new taxes from entrepreneurs to the local treasury. At the same time, the cultural development of local residents and guests will only be enriched by acquiring new knowledge about other ethnicities and by reviving interest in books themselves.

When creating such projects, the approach based on the People-first philosophy is important - people in the first place. That is, the project should be primarily useful and interesting to local residents. Demand on the part of the population will guarantee a return on investment, provided the complex organization and the correct construction of business processes.

Assem Beissenbayeva

analyst at the Public-Private Partnership Center
