Significant increase of municipal and industrial waste recycling planned in Kazakhstan

17 July 2023, 16:44 816

The issues of improving the environmental situation in the regions of Kazakhstan and the development of renewable energy sources were considered at the meeting of the Council on the transition to a green economy under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov, cites

The event was attended by heads of central government agencies, Atameken NCE, major industry centers and associations, as well as representatives of the United Nations. 

Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Zulfiya Suleimenova reported that within the framework of implementation of the Concept for the past 10 years it was possible to reduce the energy intensity of the economy by 36.7% of the 2008 level, to bring the share of RES to 4.5%. Besides, the area of forests was brought to 5%, and the share of specially protected natural territories is to more than 10% of the republic's territory. 

At the same time, within the framework of updating the Concept after the adoption of the Strategy for achieving carbon neutrality of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2060, it is planned to bring the indicator of processing and utilization of municipal waste to 40% by 2030, and in the long term - to 60% by 2050. Coverage of the population with waste collection and disposal services should reach 100% by 2040 through the organization of a centralized system in rural communities.

At the same time, the share of processing and utilization of industrial waste is planned to reach 60% by 2050 by stimulating the introduction of the best available technologies at enterprises. Along with this, work will be carried out on reclamation and construction of new landfills.

As part of the implementation of the updated Concept, measures will be taken to reduce air pollutant emissions, in particular, by modernizing CHPPs and switching to gas fuel, protecting protected natural areas, rare species of plants and animals, and expanding the area of forests. 

The implementation of environment-friendly measures is also planned in the fields of agriculture, energy and water resources management. 

The Prime Minister emphasized that the green economy is one of the important instruments of sustainable development of the country as a whole. In this regard, achieving the goals and indicators set out in the Concept will require a significant change in the development trajectory of Kazakhstan's economy.

"As a result, the living conditions of the population, the state of atmospheric air, waste management, use of water and land resources will improve," Alikhan Smailov said. 

Prime Minister instructed the Ministry of Ecology to accelerate the updating of the Concept and to submit the draft to the Government Apparatus by December 1. 

The meeting also discussed plans and measures taken for further development of renewable energy sources. It was noted that today 132 RES facilities with a total capacity of 2525 MW are operating in the country. The launch of new facilities is ahead of schedule. In general, by 2027 it is planned to introduce another 6720 MW of renewable generation. 

Head of the Government outlined the importance of synchronization of the traditional and renewable energy sectors, as well as stimulating the development of small RES installations at the level of households, small and medium-sized businesses and farms.
