Sh. Pulatov met with Heads of Atyrau regional ethno-cultural associations

28 October 2019, 10:16 1926

ATYRAU - Sherzod Pulatov, Deputy Chairman of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan visited House of Friendship of Atyrau region where held a meeting with chairmen of ethno-cultural associations of region.

During the meeting topical issues of ethno-cultural associations were discussed. At the end of the meeting, Sherzod Pulatov presented an anthology of Kazakh poets to the A. Amirov, chairman of ‘Yntymak’ Uzbek ethno-cultural association.

In turn, G. Shakirova, Head of the Secretariat of APK of Atyrau Region thanked the distinguished guest and presented the encyclopedia of ethnic minorities of Atyrau region as a gift.
