Serbian companies interested in business development in Kazakhstan

19 November 2024, 11:09 901

During the Head of State's visit to the Republic of Serbia, the Chairman of the Investment Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Gabidulla Ospankulov, met with representatives of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the heads of such Serbian companies as Zepter Group, Mambikom Agrar, Salviol,Galenika and KRUG International, cites

Thus, under the leadership of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the parties discussed deepening bilateral cooperation between Kazakhstan and Serbia in priority economic sectors.

"The inflow of FDI from Serbia since 2008 amounted to $17.4 million, and in 2023, the volume of FDI from Serbia to Kazakhstan amounted to $2 million. Despite the small numbers, the partnership between Kazakhstan and Serbia has great growth potential. In this regard, we count on your support in developing investment cooperation," the Chairman of the Committee said.

During the meeting with representatives of Zepter, G. Ospankulov proposed considering opening the production of small household appliances in the country, presenting them with information about raw materials, tax preferences, and other state support measures. The company's products are manufactured at seven factories in Switzerland, Italy, and Germany. The company already has a representative office in Kazakhstan, as well as in more than 40 countries around the world.

Mambikom Agrar has extensive experience producing dried fruits and has three processing plants in Serbia. At the meeting, the parties discussed that potential investments in Kazakhstan will present great opportunities for the country to develop the practice of harvesting and freezing agricultural products and the possibility of the company's products entering new markets.

Representatives of the global analytical company Salviol expressed interest in promoting Kazakhstani digital products in European markets. In turn, G. Ospankulovemphasized Kazakhstan's potential as a strategic partner for the introduction of innovative technologies and the development of digital solutions.

Galenika and KRUG companies produce medicines and bioactive additives in the healthcare sector. The Galenika plant is the largest Serbian manufacturer of plant protection products based on the highest-quality active substances. Representatives of the companies voiced their interest in implementing projects in Kazakhstan.
