Scientific-methodical seminar "Regional studies as the integrated study of the native land"

24 January 2018, 10:30 1120

In the SKGU named after M. Kozybayev and regional Museum Association in the framework of the program "Ruhani zhangiru" held a scientific-methodical seminar "Regional studies as the integrated study of the native land". The seminar was attended by academics, local historians, school teachers, teachers of educational institutions, representatives of regional project office "Ruhani zhangiru", Management of culture, archives and documentation NKR, archives, libraries, museums.

Director of the North-Kazakhstan regional Museum Association Mukusheva d. B delivered a welcoming speech. In her speech, she highlighted the work of museums in the implementation of the program "Ruhani zhangiru".

Other speakers touched upon various topics: Salmurzin S. D, specialist of the Department of research of modern history of the North-Kazakhstan regional Museum Association read the report "the Importance of local history work in the spiritual revival"; Ibraeva G. A., head of regional design office "Ruhani zhangiru" of NKR, doctor of historical Sciences, Professor of "Creative workshop of the regional project office "Ruhani zhangiru"; Baimusenov Zh.O., chief specialist of the Department on protection of historical-cultural heritage and legal work of GU "Management of culture, archives and documentation of the akimat reports NKR" - "the Sacred places of the North-Kazakhstan region"; S.Z. Malikova, the Director of the KGU "North Kazakhstan state archive", Valiulina E.R., chief of the special state archive of the Department of internal Affairs of the North Kazakhstan region, police captain - "Native land in the archival sources and materials"; Piskunova Yu.A., head of the regional club "regional specialist", the main bibliographer of the informational-bibliographic Department of the regional universal scientific library after named S. Mukanov "cross Border cooperation: Ethnography without borders"; Tabakova Z.P. Professor of the Department "Russian language and literature" SKGU of M. Kozybayev, doctor of philological Sciences - "Lingvostranovedenie in the schools of North-Kazakhstan region".

After the presentations the speakers answered audience questions. The final stage of the workshop was a sightseeing tour through the halls of the Museum.
