Safe Labor Concept until 2030 adopted in Kazakhstan

26 December 2023, 16:19 2723

he concept of safe labor in the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030 considered at a Government session chaired by Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Alikhan Smailov. 

As noted by the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Population Svetlana Zhakupova, the Concept was developed in pursuance of the instruction of the Head of State, outlined in the Address to the people of the country "Economic course of Fair Kazakhstan".

It provides 4 main directions. These are modernization of the national system of labor protection on the basis of risk-oriented approach, economic stimulation of measures to reduce risk at workplaces, development of professional competencies and scientific potential, as well as increasing the effectiveness of control and monitoring in the field of labor protection.

The key indicators of safe labor are indicators of occupational injuries and occupational diseases. These, in turn, are a consequence of working in harmful conditions. Taking this into account, a set of appropriate measures will be implemented within the framework of the Concept.

Prime Minister emphasized that in Kazakhstan about 500 thousand people work in harmful working conditions. In the OECD countries this number is reduced annually due to the automation of production processes and improving the level of safety equipment.

"We state a fairly high level of occupational injuries. Almost 2,000 people are injured at work every year, and more than 200 of them are fatal," Alikhan Smailov said. 

He added that the current system of insurance against accidents at work does not motivate employers to improve conditions. Today only 32% of enterprises have insured workers. 

"In many countries, insurance companies allocate a certain percentage of the insurance premium to preventive measures. These include training workers in labor safety and purchasing protective equipment. We should also move to such a scheme," the Head of Government pointed out. 

As Alikhan Smailov noted, taking into account the urgent need to address all problematic issues in Kazakhstan for the first time developed the Concept of safe labor until 2030.

"This document is primarily aimed at reducing the level of occupational risk, occupational injuries and occupational diseases. All risks will be calculated in advance. This will be facilitated by the introduction of digitalization in the sphere of safety at production facilities," the Prime Minister stressed.

According to him, the Concept should ensure increased efficiency of control and monitoring in the field of labor protection.  

After the voting procedure on the submitted document, Prime Minister instructed to organize systematic work on the implementation of all activities of the Concept.

In addition, it is required to ensure control over the reduction of accidents at hazardous industrial facilities, to accelerate the creation of the Institute of occupational diseases, as well as to improve the quality of treatment and prevention. 

Prime Minister also outlined the need to organize preventive state control over compliance with labor protection requirements in the regions and to intensify large-scale information and awareness-raising work in this direction.

