Round Table on Girls’ Education Held in Kokshetau

15 October 2019, 16:09 1332

KOKSHETAU - Under republican decade "Qyz Bolashagy - El Bolashagy" a round table "Qyz Kylygymen Korikti" was held in Kokshetau library with the support of Mothers’ Council of Akmola Regional Assembly of People of Kazakhstan.

Its participants - leaders of women's clubs, psychologists, mothers with many children, student youth talked about spiritual and moral upbringing of girls, their preparation for family life.  

The leitmotif of the round table was the psychological, pedagogical, spiritual and moral aspects of upbringing of the younger generation.

In modern society, there are continuing trends of the family's exclusion from issues of children's moral upbringing. At the same time, the antisocial and immoral behaviour of parents lays the groundwork for destructive attitudes in the minds of future mothers.

As a result, the early sexualization of adolescents, the growth of juvenile delinquency, and the departure of girls for a non-traditional religion are noted.

Participants of the round table agreed that it is important to raise the prestige of family values, the role of mother and father in the formation of the family and women's public associations in the moral upbringing of girls. An important role in strengthening the family is played by women, who play a key role in the upbringing, preservation and strengthening of spiritual values and moral ideals of society.

