Residents of North Kazakhstan Region participated in Geography Dictation

29 October 2019, 10:23 1558

PETROPAVLOVSK - On the basis of the Petropavlovsk House of Friendship, the Russian Community of North Kazakhstan Region organized the Geography Dictation 2019.

"Geography Dictation" is a large-scale international action, during four years of its implementation more than 600 000 people in 26 countries became its participants.

The event was initiated by the President of the Russian Federation and is being held by the Russian Geographical Society for the fifth time in order to promote geographical knowledge and international cooperation. The central platform for the event is Lomonosov Moscow State University.

This year's event took place on more than 5,700 sites on five continents. The participants wrote a dictation in Russia, Canada, the United States, Brazil, Australia, Germany, the Czech Republic, China, Cambodia, Greece, Norway, Pakistan, South Africa, New Zealand and many other far and near abroad countries. In Kazakhstan, the dictation was held at 14 sites.

According to the organizers, "Geography Dictation - 2019" is an opportunity to test and expand their geographical knowledge fascinatingly, free of charge, anonymously. Anyone could take part in the game regardless of age, education, national and social belonging, profession, confession, citizenship.

On the basis of the "Russian community of North Kazakhstan region" the platform for geographical dictation is organized for the first time for Russian-speaking residents and guests of the region, including those with locomotor system disorders.

Before writing of dictation, the participants were congratulated by the real heroes - astronauts, who are at that moment outside the Earth.

"The event was very interesting. The dictation was held in the form of testing, which included questions not only from geography, but also literature, history and culture. I learned a lot for myself. Next year I will definitely take part and invite my friends" said Salimkhan Sabitov, the author of the project on creating a driving school for people with disabilities "Equal Way".

The testing consisted of 2 parts. In the first part - 10 questions of an easier version, the second block included 30 complex questions. More than 40 people gathered in the Friendship House to answer the test. The youngest participant was a 6th grade student, the oldest was Natalia Rimskaya-Korsakova, a member of the Russian Community of North Ossetia, who turned 69.

On November 1, the dictation participants will know their results with the individual codes.

