Punishment up to dismissal: Alikhan Smailov demands to eliminate shortcomings in digitization of land resources

7 December 2023, 13:23 1143

A regular Government session of the Commission on the introduction of digitalization under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Alikhan Smailov was held in the Government, El.kz cites primeminister.kz.

The participants discussed the functioning of the Unified State Real Estate Cadastre (USRC), developed in fulfillment of the order of the Head of State. It is designed to ensure prompt and transparent allocation of free land plots, as well as full access of citizens to information about the land fund of the republic.

According to the new approaches, the entire process of allocation of land plots from selection, application and registration has been transferred to the electronic format. All business processes have been completely revised. The number of necessary steps has been reduced several times, the term of rendering public service has decreased from about 1 year to 30 days.

In general, from July 1 to November 28, more than 1 million services were provided through the USRC, including 238 thousand cadastral passports. More than 25 million certificates and information were received without demanding from service recipients.

At the same time, the analysis revealed that not all digital data uploaded by akimats meet the requirements. In particular, correction of existing general plans and detailed planning projects (DPP) is required. In addition, the platform notes facts of untimely consideration of applications and unjustified refusals.

Prime Minister stressed that all the existing shortcomings should be eliminated in a short time to ensure quality provision of relevant public services exclusively in digital format from January 1, 2024.

"Digitization is precisely aimed at reducing corruption and reducing the volume of incorrect data, excluding the facts of granting land plots according to inappropriate coordinates. All these issues should be resolved as a result of digitization," Alikhan Smailov said.

Head of the Government emphasized the need to strengthen work in this direction. Thus, there should be administrative responsibility for late consideration of applications by natural monopolists. Along with this, the authorized state bodies should approve the forms of output documents within the framework of provision of services in electronic form, make the necessary changes to the Rules of bidding and other regulatory documents.

Prime Minister emphasized that the work on each region would be monitored within the framework of the Investment Headquarters.

"We will look at each region. If from the new year the issuance of permits to people will bog down, we will punish up to the dismissal of the relevant responsible persons in the regions. We want to make transparency, digitize this public service, and master plans and DDPs do not correspond to current information. That is why in most cases automatic refusals are issued. But I want to emphasize that we will not go backwards. We will move forward all the same. Those who hinder this process, we will simply fire them. We will put other people who are determined to fulfill their functions properly," Alikhan Smailov said.

He added that the issue of digitization of land relations directly affects the investment climate, respectively, the launch of new business projects and job creation. Therefore, it is of great importance for further development of the economy.

The meeting also considered the development of the Unified Information and Analytical System for Water Resources Management. It will contain data on available water bodies, irrigated lands, water consumption volumes by agricultural producers, etc. In addition, a functionality for submitting applications for water resources is envisaged.

The Prime Minister demanded to ensure the launch of the platform in the pilot mode by the end of the first quarter of 2024 with further entry into commercial operation during September.

"We don't have time. We have big losses of water resources. And digitization is one of the really working mechanisms for water saving, more efficient resource management. Therefore, we should speed up the introduction of this platform and work on digitalization of the water sector as a whole," he concluded.
