Prospects of cooperation between universities of Kazakhstan and South Africa discussed in Pretoria

2 February 2024, 18:00 1033

Ambassador of Kazakhstan Yerkin Akhinzhanov met with representatives of the University of Pretoria, one of the oldest and leading universities in the country, led by Professor Themba Mosia, the Interim Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the University, cites MFA.

The primary focus was on fostering collaboration in higher education between the two countries. The parties discussed opportunities for establishing academic ties, exchanges and cooperation between the University of Pretoria and interested Kazakh higher education institutions.

A notable highlight was the exploration of opportunities within the newly established Centre for Asian Studies at the University of Pretoria, specifically regarding the study of Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

Professor Themba Mosia presented a detailed overview of the University, told about its main achievements over the years of its existence, the main scientific directions. In return, the Ambassador provided a comprehensive overview of the leading universities of our country.

The meeting concluded with an agreement to continue cooperation on various educational, cultural and youth-related matters.
