President instructs to stimulate domestic and inbound tourism

7 March 2023, 15:52 532

The Head of State received Minister of Culture and Sports Askhat Oralov. Kassym-Jomart Tokayev was informed about the execution of the instructions given by him. During the meeting, the ministry's initiatives aimed at developing culture, sports and the tourism industry were also presented, reports with reference to the press service of Akorda.

The President heard report on the construction of the Republican Olympic training base in the Almaty region, which is planned to be put into operation this year. A total of 113 sports facilities will be built by 2025. In addition, the minister spoke about the draft Concept for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports for 2023-2029.

It was also reported on the preparation of Kazakhstani athletes for the upcoming Summer Asian and Olympic Games and on the organization of the V World Nomad Games scheduled for 2024 in our country.

On behalf of the Head of State, the salaries of employees of cultural organizations and archives will be increased until 2025.

The Ministry plans to increase the number of theatrical productions of domestic authors and the production of Kazakhstani films. This year, for the first time, a literary prize for young writers and poets will be awarded. The issue of assigning the status of "national" to 7 republican cultural organizations is being worked out.

According to Askhat Oralov, in order to develop the tourism sector, the requirements for tour operators to participate in the Kids Go Free program were simplified. It is also planned to introduce tourist cashback for Kazakhstanis.

The Head of State instructed to take measures to further stimulate domestic and inbound tourism, attract investments. He noted the need to support mass sports and ensure the availability of sports infrastructure.

The President focused on the importance of creating conditions for the development of a culture competitive at the world level and the formation of a base of creative industries in the country.
