15 October 2018, 04:19 1324

Institute of Eurasian integration on the third day after President N.A.Nazarbayev’s speech on State of the Nation Address in 2018 "Growing welfare of Kazakhstan: improving income and quality of life" conducted a telephone express survey of the population on a representative sample in major cities, regional centers and villages of Kazakhstan in order to find out the impression of the country's residents.

Despite the fact that it took a little time after the speech of the Head of state, the survey revealed a high level of awareness and interest of the population of the main ideas covered in the Address. The vast majority of respondents (82%) are more or less informed about its content. At least half of the respondents at the time of the survey were fully or partially familiar with the key provisions of the document. Kazakhstan people highly appreciated the content of the Address.

According to the overwhelming majority of respondents familiar with the Address, it took into account the necessary measures to improve the quality of life and well-being of the people (84.6%). It is these measures that have resonated among different groups of the population.

In particular, more than a third of respondents remember and approve measures to increase the minimum wage (34.5%), as well as salaries of teachers and doctors, almost every fifth (20.7%) are the measures to improve the quality and accessibility of health care, the same are improving the quality of education.

Every tenth respondent noted measures to ensure the availability of housing, they are especially in demand among urban residents. The younger generation took positive measures to support the youth and the family institute, as well as the announcement of 2019 –Year of youth. The population of Kazakhstan both supports, and emphasizes the need for priority implementation of the announced measures of the Address in the field of health and education, increasing the level of income of the population and the availability of housing, restraining the growth of prices and utility tariffs, as well as the fight against corruption.



