Pavel Durov, the founder of the social networks VKontakte and the Telegram messenger, shared his impressions of his recent visit to Kazakhstan, reports.
- I recently returned from Kazakhstan, the economic center of Central Asia. I visited majestic Astana, lively Almaty, picturesque Burabay and Charyn Canyon. Only its ambitions can be compared with the beauty of Kazakhstan," Durov says.
According to him, the country attracts international companies and technology startups with business-friendly policies and favorable taxes. It also strengthens its position in the field of education and science by supporting innovative schools and universities
He noted that 12.5 million out of 20 million Kazakhstanis use Telegram monthly, which is 25% more than last year.
"We are proud to serve as the main communication platform for Kazakhstanis, and we hope to continue to be a tool that accelerates its rapid economic and digital transformation," Pavel Durov said.