Over 18 thousand ethnic Kazakhs returned to their historical homeland in 2024

24 December 2024, 12:57 1021

According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, a total of 18,035 ethnic Kazakhs who have returned to their historical homeland since the beginning of 2024 , El.kz reports.

Among those who returned this year,  China 45.4% came from China,  38.9% from Uzbekistan, and migrants from Mongolia, Turkmenistan, Russia and other countries. Since independence in 1991,

1.146 million ethnic Kazakhs have returned to their homeland.

Ethnic Kazakhs have settled in various regions of the country. The quota for the reception of returnees in resettlement regions for 2024 is set at 3,033 people.

Kandas  are provided with state support measures in the form of a relocation subsidy - 258.4 thousand tenge for each family member, as well as compensation for rent and utilities during the year in the amount of 55.3 to 110.7 thousand tenge per month.

Since the beginning of the year, more than 2,600 people have received such support.
