Over 10,000 primary school teachers to take advanced training courses

11 April 2024, 14:59 1071

For the first time, the National Center for Advanced Training "Orleu" has launched an advanced training course on a value-based approach to education. It will be attended by 10,389 primary school teachers, El.kz reports with reference to the Ministry of Education.

The course program is designed to improve the competencies of teachers in the application of a value-based approach in teaching and educating primary school students, reflected in the Unified Education Program.

"Teachers will study the material on a value-based approach, learn how to select the content and optimal methods, techniques, forms of work for the formation of such values as patriotism, work, unity, justice and responsibility in schoolchildren in the classroom and in extracurricular time," said Elaman Aibuldinov, chairman of Orleu.

In the course classes, practical work and discussion are organized, cases for analysis and projects for development are offered. On-site practical classes are provided to study the content of the upbringing of children in the classroom and in extracurricular time in primary school. The course will last until the end of November this year.
