Olzhas Bektenov visits backbone enterprises of North Kazakhstan

29 March 2024, 15:09 1037

Within the framework of his working trip to North Kazakhstan region Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov got acquainted with the activities of a number of large industrial enterprises of the region, whose products are widely used in agricultural, oil and gas, railway industries in the country and abroad, El.kz cites primeminister.kz.

Familiarisation with the industrial potential of the North Kazakhstan region Head of the Government Olzhas Bektenov began with a visit to the Kirov plant which is one of the oldest enterprises of the region, which has almost a century-long history.

The plant is one of the flagships of domestic machine building with a full cycle of development and manufacture of electronic equipment. For two months of the current year the production volume increased by 9.5% and totalled 193.7 million tenge. The plant employs 487 people. In addition, an industrial certificate was obtained for the assembly of Lenovo servers, which will be produced at the Kazakhstani enterprise. Another demanded product is 16-layer printed circuit boards of accuracy class 5+, designed for installation of electronic components. 

Prime Minister got acquainted in detail with the manufacturing process of various types of high-tech products for defence and civil purposes. Head of the Government was informed about further plans to expand the product line. 

"We are mastering new production facilities. For example, we plan to produce chargers for electric cars. Another new project is anti-vandal phones, which are installed in special institutions. It is difficult to compete in the computer equipment market, but we are trying. Last year we sold about 4 thousand computers," Almaz Nurmagambetov, General Director of Kirov Plant, reported to Prime Minister and informed about plans to further increase production capacity. 

Olzhas Bektenov also got acquainted with the results of technological modernisation of Petropavlovsk Heavy Engineering Plant. Here they produce a wide range of products that are used in the oil and gas, energy and railway industries. In addition, the plant fulfils the state defence order.

"The Head of State in his Address to the people of Kazakhstan noted that the full strengthening of the defence industry complex plays a key role in ensuring the national security of the country. Creation of a cycle of production of military products with a high share of localisation will allow us to reduce dependence on import supplies. In addition, the capabilities of the enterprise should be used to meet the needs of the railway and oil and gas industries," Olzhas Bektenov stressed. The government is taking support measures aimed at improving the competitiveness of products of domestic plants.

The next object of the visit was Munaymash JSC, a company producing deep-well sucker rod pumps for the oil industry. The share in the domestic market is 90%, while the level of localisation is from 65 to 75%. Head of the Government noted that the pace of production should be increased, and in order to completely eliminate the import of deep-well pumps - to consider options to strengthen cooperation with major enterprises of the oil and gas sector. It was emphasised that the Government and business now have a common task, which is to annually increase the share of domestic value by expanding the range of products manufactured at domestic plants.

During the visit to "SMBGROUP Family" LLP one of the major enterprises for the production of polypropylene containers, Olzhas Bektenov said that it is necessary to increase the potential of light industry of the country and enter foreign markets. Containers of the Kazakhstan manufacturer are designed for transport, storage, carriage of various types of cargo and are widely used in industry and logistics. Only for two months of the current year, products worth 580 million tenge were produced, production growth was 13.8%. 

In addition, Prime Minister familiarised himself with the work of "Northern Plywood Mill" LLP. The enterprise covers the needs of the Kazakhstani market in laminated plywood by 22%. It is used on construction sites in major cities, as well as exported abroad. Last year, production totalled 4.3bn tenge with a 32.6% growth compared to 2022 results. 

At the factory of paper products of RimKazAgro LLP Olzhas Bektenov was shown the established cycle of waste paper processing and was informed about further plans for the development of the cluster. The factory produces more than 30 items, which are supplied to all regions of the country, as well as exported to Russia. The company has set tasks to increase the export of consumer goods and take a strong position in the domestic market. New forms of active cooperation between the state and domestic business will be considered. 

Following the results of the visit to the facilities Prime Minister stressed that the government pays special attention to the development of manufacturing industry and the development of a wide range of consumer goods. At the same time, the quality of domestic products should be at the centre of attention. For this purpose, business needs to develop and master new niches. In turn, the Government will provide the necessary support. 
