Olzhas Bektenov orders to scale up positive experience in supporting persons with disabilities

6 November 2024, 18:21 3935

The Government session chaired by Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov considered measures on social protection of persons with disabilities,El.kz cites primeminister.kz.

On the issues of employment, medical care, training of people with disabilities and creation of a barrier-free environment for them reported the relevant ministers. Representatives of public organisations, akims of a number of regions also made reports.

A total of 732,000 persons with disabilities are registered in Kazakhstan. The Government is implementing a set of measures to support this category of citizens and the formation of a comfortable barrier-free environment. For example, the Social Code has been adopted and a Digital Family Map has been launched, which makes it possible to constantly monitor and analyse the well-being of Kazakh families. In addition, the procedure for registering disability has been simplified and put into a proactive format, and the procedure for establishing disability in absentia has been introduced. As part of the work of the Portal of social services is available the opportunity to choose the necessary technical means and procedures for rehabilitation.

Prime Minister noted that the system of state support for persons with disabilities is constantly being improved. Rehabilitation centres are being opened in the regions. Only last year such facilities have appeared in Abay region, Zhambyl region and Turkestan region. By the end of the year a centre will be put into operation in West Kazakhstan region. Akimat of Aktobe region was instructed to intensify work on completion of construction. Further it is planned to open similar social institutions in Akmola, Atyrau regions, Zhetisu and Shymkent.

Special attention is paid to the formation of an inclusive urban environment. Today 45% of the infrastructure in Kazakhstan is adapted to the needs of persons with disabilities. Olzhas Bektenov emphasised that it is important to carry out quality work in this direction, without formalism, to achieve a real effect.

"On the instructions of the Head of State, systematic work is being carried out to create a favourable and comfortable environment for people with disabilities.It is necessary to intensify work on the adaptation of facilities for the needs of persons with disabilities, the elderly. This is especially true for social facilities, pharmacies, grocery shops and shopping centres. I instruct the Ministry of Industry and Construction to review the existing standards to improve the quality and responsibility of construction participants. We need to control compliance with the standards," Olzhas Bektenov stressed.

Head of the Government also focused on solving the issue of transporting persons with disabilities through the introduction of invataxi. Currently there are almost 150 such services in the republic. Akimats have been set a task to assist in increasing the car park.

Prime Minister instructed the Ministry of Labour together with akimats and business to pay special attention to the issue of employment of persons with disabilities. A special electronic labour exchange has been created for the convenience of finding suitable vacancies - the state subsidizes jobs. Of the total number of able-bodied persons with disabilities, about 39 per cent find jobs.

The Ministry of Healthcare needs to qualitatively improve its work on early diagnosis of morbidity and early intervention to prevent disability. At the same time, it is important to strengthen the training of teachers who work with children with disabilities. The relevant task has been assigned to the ministries of education and science.

Head of the Government has instructed to scale up the experience of a number of regions in selecting innovative technical means for continuous rehabilitation of children with disabilities at home. Currently, such a service is available in Pavlodar region, Kyzylorda region, Abay region and Shymkent. At the same time, 14 universities in the country are training social workers.

The need to fully integrate the information systems of health care and labour in order to further improve the quality of medical and social expert assessment has been noted. In this regard, the relevant ministries have been instructed to complete the work by the end of this year.

In general, since the beginning of 2024, the state bodies have received more than 16 thousand appeals from persons with disabilities. Olzhas Bektenov emphasised that an individual approach is needed in solving problematic issues, it is important for social services to intensify their work.

"It is necessary to continue work on the creation and promotion of new standards of social policy. The most urgent is the development and introduction of innovative technologies in the system of social security and protection. All these issues should be accumulated in the Concept on Inclusive Policy, which is being developed on the instructions of the Head of State. This document should be adopted in December.Therefore, the Ministry of Labour needs to submit the draft concept to the Government by November 15. In general, issues to improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities should be under constant control of the first heads of central and local government bodies," Olzhas Bektenov stressed.

