Olzhas Bektenov instructs to intensify work on providing population with employment

26 June 2024, 11:44 636

Measures to ensure sustainable employment in the country discussed during the Government session chaired by Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov. The Minister of Labour and Social Protection of Population Svetlana Zhakupova reported on the implementation of the task set by the Head of State on employment of about 1 million Kazakhstanis in the current year,El.kz cites primeminister.kz.

According to the approved Regional Employment Cards in 2024 it is planned to employ 948 thousand Kazakhstani citizens. To date, about 353 thousand people have found work, which is 37% of the total figure. At the same time, 148 thousand of them are young people. Thus, since the beginning of the year, 137 thousand unemployed people have been employed on state-subsidised jobs, more than 97 thousand as part of the Head of State's initiative "100 new jobs for every 10 thousand people", more than 103 thousand on employers' vacancies and about 16 thousand people have been directed to programmes implemented under national projects.

In terms of regions, positive dynamics was noted in Abay region (53%), North Kazakhstan region (47%), Kyzylorda region (45%) and Zhambyl region (45%). The lowest indicators of fulfilment of envisaged plans were recorded in Aktobe region (30%) and Almaty city (30%). Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov noted the need for regional akimats to intensify work in this direction. 

Head of the Government stressed that in accordance with the current challenges last year was approved the Concept of "Development of the labour market of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2024-2029 years". The document provides for the creation of a maximum number of permanent jobs, including for young professionals. Today up to 25 per cent of graduates of technical and vocational education work outside their speciality. It is important to establish interaction with employers, including through digital monitoring of employment with tracking of all projects where new labour force is needed. 

Special attention during the meeting was paid to the issue of employment of Kazakhstanis abroad and the protection of citizens' rights. 

"We know such facts when their salaries were not paid, medical services were not provided, contracts were grossly violated. Therefore, work is now underway to conclude relevant intergovernmental agreements. It is already necessary to systematise the work of private agencies that employ our citizens abroad. Kazakhstani citizens should receive reliable guarantees under the contract," Prime Minister emphasised. 

Within the framework of this work it is planned to open centres of professional and language training in East Kazakhstan, Turkestan and Almaty regions. The experience of the regions can be further used to ensure quality employment and increase the incomes of the population. In general, the implementation of measures to ensure employment will make it possible to create 3.8 million quality jobs by 2029.
