Olzhas Bektenov: I verify implementation quality of president's instructions on modernisation of CHPPs and boiler houses in regions personally

10 May, 15:12 1011

The results of the past heating season and preparation for the upcoming one were considered at the Government session chaired by Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov. Ministers of Energy Almassadam Satkaliyev, Industry and Construction Kanat Sharlapayev, as well as akims of a number of regions with a high level of wear and tear of infrastructure were heard, El.kz citesprimeminister.kz.

According to the Ministry of Energy, the autumn-winter period of 2023-2024 passed in a stable mode, without major accidents at enterprises. As reported by Minister of Energy Almassadam Satkaliyev, all energy sources were provided with a normative reserve of main and reserve fuel. For 4 months of this year, the volume of electricity generated increased by 4% from last year's level. At the same time, the power plants have a number of unfinished repair works from 2023.

This year 10 power units, 55 boilers and 45 turbines are scheduled to be repaired at the power plants. To date, repairs have been completed on 1 power unit, 1 boiler and 4 turbines. At various stages, repair work is being carried out on 2 power units, 12 boilers and 2 turbines. 

As for power grids, repairs are planned for 20.9 thousand kilometres of transmission lines, as well as 423 units of high-voltage substations. 

According to the Ministry of Industry and Construction, the total length of heat supply networks is about 13 thousand kilometres. The average wear and tear is 53 per cent and about 7,000 km need to be replaced. The most worn-out heating networks are in Pavlodar, Akmola, North Kazakhstan, Kostanay, Mangystau and Karaganda regions. The Government has a task to reduce the wear and tear of heat networks to 43% by 2030. This year it is planned to repair 221 kilometres of heat supply networks.

In addition, 12 cities with critically high wear and tear of heat networks have been identified and assigned to the "red zone". According to the results of 2023, the average wear of heat networks in these cities is 73%. In order to ensure the smooth running of the upcoming heating season, the repair of 47.2 kilometres is planned in the 12 "critical" cities.

Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov stressed that despite the absence of major accidents there was an increase in the number of technological violations at heat sources. In this regard, Prime Minister set a number of tasks for the Cabinet.

"At the enlarged Government session Prime Minister instructed to complete the modernisation of 19 heat sources, which are in the red risk zone, as a priority. I instruct the Ministry of Energy to report to me weekly on each facility. There should be no shifts in deadlines. The situation should not be brought to forced repairs in winter, as it was in Kentau and Stepnogorsk, at MAEC and TPP "Topar". I instruct to work in a reinforced mode during the whole summer period. If the deadlines for completion of works will be delayed or the quality will be lower than it should be, measures will be taken both in respect of owners and akimats," Olzhas Bektenov said.

For high-quality and timely repair of heat sources the Government provides all necessary support. Prime Minister signed a resolution on allocation of 16 billion tenge from the reserve for modernisation of heat sources in Kentau, Ridder and Kyzylorda, 816 million tenge is allocated for repair of boiler houses in Kokshetau. The work on the remaining requests will be completed in the near future. 

In addition, additional changes have been made to increase the investment attractiveness of the energy sector. Under the programme "Tariff in exchange for investment", this year it is planned to attract about 327 billion tenge only for repair and modernisation of operating plants. 

"Funding should, first of all, go to repair the most worn-out facilities and networks. I instruct the Ministries of Energy, Industry and Akimats to once again analyse the situation at energy sources, heat and electricity networks, to determine additional volumes of repair work. Report on the results. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure parity of financing from the republican, local budgets and within the framework of investment programmes. Now the funds of the republican budget are mainly used,"Head of the Government instructed. 

Akims together with the Ministry of National Economy have been instructed to work with monopolists and to provide the most optimal mechanisms for financing.

Prime Minister drew attention to the increased control by the Government of the work in the field. 

"There are risks in carrying out repair works. The work of all akims in the field is visible. For example, in Mangystau region since 8 January the repair of the boiler at CHPP-2 MAEC has not been started. In Ulytau region, the repair of the boiler at Zhezkazgan CHPP has not yet started. Akims, I address you: stop holding formal reporting headquarters on the heating season. You yourself should visit the facilities and monitor the progress of the repair campaign. In addition, our heat losses are critically high, reaching 20% in some regions. This indicates an incorrect approach to heat and energy saving. Although we have the Law "On Energy Saving" and all the requirements have been set. We need to strictly control their observance. During my personal visits to the regions, I will personally check the results of work to fulfil the President's instructions. CHPPs, boiler houses, heat and electricity networks must be brought to a high quality condition. Special attention should be paid to the regions affected by floods," Olzhas Bektenov stressed. 

 Following the consideration of the issue, Prime Minister gave a number of specific instructions: 


Also, the ministries of the social block have been instructed to work on the issue of providing the heat and electricity sector with personnel, where there is a shortage of specialists. For this purpose, the ministries of labour, science and education need to conduct a full analysis of the current situation on the labour market in this field and, if necessary, increase the number of grants for the necessary specialties.

"Educational institutions should train highly qualified engineers, power engineers, hydraulic engineers, energy auditors, electricians and other specialists. It is also important to ensure the transfer of knowledge and skills from experienced professionals to young ones. The smooth operation of all life support systems of the country will largely depend on this," Olzhas Bektenov emphasised. 

