Olzhas Bektenov checks CHPP modernisation pace and familiarises himself with solving problems with water shortages in West Kazakhstan region

23 February 2024, 16:23 1175

Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Olzhas Bektenov within the framework of his working trip to West Kazakhstan region visited a number of facilities of the communal and energy sector of Uralsk, where he got acquainted with the pace of modernisation of infrastructure, El.kz cites primeminister.kz.

During the trip Head of the Government visited the water supply and sewage enterprise "Batys Su Arnasy", which has been operating since 1961. The main source of drinking water supply in Uralsk is the Zhaiyk River and underground sources. The Prime Minister was reported that in 2023 the construction of 6 water intake wells was completed. However, the existing water treatment facility has a high level of wear and tear.

Olzhas Bektenov drew the attention of the region's leadership to the incoming complaints from residents about the shortage of drinking water, especially in the summer, and instructed to complete the development of design and construction plans for the reconstruction of the water treatment plant to increase its capacity to 50 thousand cubic metres per day by the end of the year. The government will provide the necessary assistance. 

Separately, a number of instructions were given to accelerate the modernisation of water supply networks (wear and tear of 60.5%), sewage (wear and tear of 61.3%), as well as the reconstruction of sewage pumping stations. 

In addition, Prime Minister familiarised himself with the current situation at the enterprise for production of electricity and heat energy JSC "Zhaiykteploenergo", which is in the red risk zone. During the visit Olzhas Bektenov inspected the main control room, turbine room and boiler room. 

To date, the company has completed the repair of three boiler units (№ 2, 4, 9) and turbine, also repaired 16.5 kilometres of heating networks. In addition, the development of a project for the phased replacement of three power boilers and turbine №3 has been started. These measures are aimed at increasing the reliability of the entire plant.

"As the Head of State noted, ensuring uninterrupted operation of all life-support systems of settlements is one of the basic functions of the Government and akimats. The depreciation of CHPPs in the republic reaches 66 per cent, and in Uralsk it reaches 86 per cent. As soon as the design and estimate documentation is ready, the Akimat should make a corresponding application. We will consider and gradually decide," Olzhas Bektenov said.

Head of the Government was also reported on the ongoing work to increase the production of marketable gas and the progress of gasification of the region.

In addition, taking into account the ongoing heating season Prime Minister instructed the leadership of the region to keep under special control the provision of uninterrupted operation of all life-support systems of settlements.
