Number of thefts in Kazakhstan decreased by almost third

30 January 2024, 15:39 1357

During January-December 2023, the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations of the Republic of Kazakhstan recorded 42.6 thousand criminal cases under the article "Theft", which is 27.6% less compared to the previous year, reports with reference to Finprom.

The largest number of thefts was registered in Almaty, where 10.6 thousand incidents occurred, which is 24.9% of the total number in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Over the year, the number of thefts in Almaty decreased by 36.7%. At the same time, the smallest number of thefts was recorded in the Ulytau region, where only 347 cases occurred, which is 35% more compared to the previous year.

The total amount of damage caused as a result of thefts amounted to 9.4 billion tenge, which is significantly less compared to 23.5 billion tenge a year earlier, a decrease of 60.2%.

During the analyzed period, the number of victims of theft decreased by 26.8%, amounting to 37.2 thousand people.

Most of the thefts were committed in relation to property that is in personal ownership: 35.7 thousand cases, minus 27.4% for the year.

Another 10.5 thousand cases (minus 18.6%) accounted for theft of cell phones, 4.3 thousand cases (plus 3.6%) - thefts of vehicles, 3.6 thousand cases (minus 25.4%) - burglaries, 509 cases - thefts of non-ferrous metals. In addition, 1,000 cases of pickpocketing were registered, which is 11% less than a year earlier.

Most of the burglaries were registered in the Almaty region (682 cases, minus 25.1% over the year). This is followed by Almaty (374 cases, minus 20.4% per year), Shymkent (239 cases, minus 50.1%), Karaganda (225 cases, minus 14.1%) and Kostanay (221 cases, minus 1.3%) regions. The least number of burglaries was registered in the Ulytau region: 30 cases, against 17 cases a year earlier.

The number of thefts increased only in 4 out of 20 regions of the country: in Zhetysu, Abay, Ulytau and Kyzylorda regions.
