
27 July 2017, 18:32 5696
The place where people looked for heavenly land
27 July 2017, 18:27 5179
Canyon Charyn
27 July 2017, 18:22 5786
The Jungar Gates
27 July 2017, 18:15 5143
Kent Mountains
24 July 2017, 15:40 4476
The Iron Lake or Love Island
24 July 2017, 15:04 8832
The Legend the “dancing birches” 
24 July 2017, 14:38 5229
Motley mountains
19 May 2017, 12:34 7533
10 reasons to travel to Kostanay
3 May 2017, 17:01 9671
Kazakhstani souvenirs: what the tourists will take after the “EXPO-2017”
20 April 2017, 18:02 9383
A reminder for tourists of Shymkent
19 April 2017, 17:12 5654
“Buiratau” is going to become a safari-park
18 April 2017, 12:48 4073
The place of fishing without leaving the city