
13 November 2017, 18:55 5338
The visitor capacity of the Astana EXPO-2017 tourist facilities per annum
8 November 2017, 17:44 3875
Last call for votes for “Kazakhstan’s 100 new faces”
30 October 2017, 15:09 4994
Bike path to the big peaks
19 October 2017, 16:33 4288
Medicine with a great future
17 October 2017, 17:15 3683
The program "Eco-damu". Let's save nature together!
17 October 2017, 09:56 5473
Post-exhibitory use of the EXPO-2017 facilities
11 October 2017, 17:24 4313
When a startup saves lives
2 October 2017, 16:06 4176
How did the acrobat from Petropavl become an artist of Cirque du Soleil?
30 September 2017, 09:17 22523
Kazakh traditions for a foreigner
27 September 2017, 15:14 5523
Development of Astana Thanks to EXPO-2017
27 September 2017, 14:56 5768
ЭКСПО-2017 барысындағы Астананың дамуы
21 September 2017, 17:02 4697
Attendance rate ratio of EXPO-2017