
21 February 2020, 19:46 1933
Yevgeniya Gizik: Assembly of People of Kazakhstan is a single branch that unites all ethnicities
13 February 2020, 16:59 2029
Konstantin Lutsa: I came to the Assembly thanks to my teacher
3 February 2020, 16:54 2670
Bogdan Shevchenko: Abay’s Poems Have Not Lost Relevance Today
28 January 2020, 18:09 56246
APK Notes the Important Role of Youth in Assembly’s Development
28 January 2020, 18:04 2767
Qazagstan Translation Forum-2020 to Bring Translation Industry to the Next Level
28 January 2020, 17:50 56248
Zhanseit Tuimebayev met with ‘Klub Dobryakov’ Founder
27 January 2020, 09:33 2087
Korean Cultural Center Marks Seollal
24 January 2020, 14:44 2027
Ethnocultural center of Koreans to celebrate Seollal, Lunar New Year
24 January 2020, 14:15 2222
Deputy Shaimardan Nurumov Met with Heads of ethno-cultural associations in Almaty
24 January 2020, 14:00 2335
Official opening of 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayev was a great success
24 January 2020, 13:41 2641
Delhi-cious: Discovering Authentic Taste of Indian Cuisine
17 January 2020, 13:08 3150
Voluntary Movement of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan to work in 4 directions