
30 January, 11:10 919
Ambassador of Kazakhstan presented credentials to President of Slovakia
30 January, 10:57 854
Kazakhstanis named main values of society
30 January, 10:30 812
Trump administration invites podcasters and content creators for White House press briefings
30 January, 09:01 866
Kazakhstan and UAE agreed to further strengthen multidimensional Cooperation
29 January, 18:32 935
One day life film project launched in Almaty
29 January, 18:30 941
Czech Export Bank interested in further expanding cooperation with Kazakh partners
29 January, 17:20 915
Head of State sends congratulatory telegram to General Secretary of Central Committee of Communist Party of Vietnam
29 January, 16:50 916
Participation in public procurement of EAEU countries simplified for Kazakh business
29 January, 15:49 934
MP of Kyrgyzstan proposes charging fee from tourists for mountain climbing
29 January, 15:05 922
Kazakh PM: Government to ensure implementation of President's instructions on economic growth and improvement of citizens' living standards
29 January, 14:54 4436
Kazakhstan creates an open-world RPG about th Kazakh-Dinosaur War
29 January, 13:05 884
Tokayev receives Kazakh Minister of Defense