
8 January 2020, 12:24 1560
Reconciliation Bench in Baikonyr
8 January 2020, 10:52 1411
800 children received presents in Kyzylorda
8 January 2020, 09:24 1477
APK Almaty organized matinee for 200 children
6 January 2020, 17:16 3163
Congratulations on the Occasion of the Orthodox Christmas
6 January 2020, 12:36 1992
APK in Kyzylorda Held New Year’s Matinee for Children
6 January 2020, 11:47 1621
Events Dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Second World War launched in Petropavlovsk
5 January 2020, 12:08 1666
New Year is a Family Holiday of All Nations
5 January 2020, 10:19 2980
APK West Kazakhstan Region: Save a unique corner of nature in Uralsk
31 December 2019, 23:00 1880
New Year's Message from the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan
30 December 2019, 16:00 1728
Deputy Mayor of Kyzylorda Region: It is Necessary to Enhance APK’s Work in the Regions
30 December 2019, 11:34 1221
Тимур Джумурбаев: Планируем открыть Ресурсные центры волонтерского движения
30 December 2019, 11:15 1841
Charity New Year’s Matinee Held for Children at Friendship House