New Year is a Family Holiday of All Nations

5 January 2020, 12:08 1666

New Year is a wonderful family holiday of all nations. In this regard, the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of Aktobe Region marked the beginning of the New Year by friendly round dance at the big festive tree.

Marzhan Korganbayeva, Head of APK’s Secretariat of Aktobe region, took part in the event and congratulated the guests and children on the New Year, awarded letters of gratitude to the chairman of Tatar-Bashkir Ethno-cultural Center and activist of the youth wing of Chechen ethno-union "Vainakh".

Talented children of the ethnocultural associations took part in "Welcome to New Year" concert, where they recited poems, sang songs and danced for the Father Frost and Snow Maiden. Father Frost gave sweet presents to the children, who showed excellent performances.

At the end of the event, Nurkhan Agniyazov, Director of "Kogamdyk kelisim" KSI presented New Year gifts to the children who took part in an interesting and fun evening.
