New Vice Minister of Finance of Kazakhstan appointed

28 March 2023, 13:05 530

By a governmental decree, Abzal Beissenbekuly has been appointed Vice Minister of Finance of Kazakhstan,  cites the Government's press service.

Abzal Beissenbekuly is a graduate of Dulati Taraz State the University of Nottingham (Great Britain) and Taraz University of Innovation and Humanities. He is also a member of the Presidential Youth Personnel Pool.

He began his career in 2007 in the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan.

From 2008 to 2019, Abzal Beissenbekuly worked at different positions in the Ministry of Economy and Budget Planning, the Ministry of Finance and the President’s Executive Office.

From 2019 to 2021 he held senior positions in private and quasi-public sectors.

In March 2021, he was appointed Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan.
