5 July 2019, 12:53 4097

A meeting of the Council of Public Consent of the City Assembly of People of Kazakhstan was held in Shymkent.

The report was made by the head of the headquarters Muratali Kalmuratov at the city assembly on rendering assistance to the victims of explosions in the military unit in Arys.

"From the moment of occurrence of a state of emergency APK members began to help in every possible way, as could. From the receiving point of the staff, created under the Shymkent APK, clothing, bedding, medicines and personal hygiene items were transferred in time to evacuation centers and Arys. A camp for 700 people was prepared and hot meals were provided. Members of the Mediation Council provided legal assistance and psychological support to Arys locals. On June 27, APK began to receive assistance from different parts of the country. Financial aid continues to be transferred to the account of the Turkestan Corporate Social Development Fund," M. Kalmuratov said.

According to him, the charitable help of representatives of different ethnic minorities living all over Kazakhstan does not stop there.

On the eve of three heavy vehicles delivered construction material to Arys. At city assembly the group of volunteers from among youth within the limits of the project of APK "Delay dobro" which has actively started restoration of Arys is created.


In the course of the meeting the reports of the chairmen of ethno-cultural associations of the city on the eve of Capital Day were heard as well. Also, a number of mass media representatives were awarded, covering the state policy in the field of public consent and national unity.
