Maternal mortality increased in Kostanay region

26 June 2023, 13:55 2047

At a meeting in the akimat of Kostanay, the deputy head of the health department, Mariyam Beisen, shared information on mortality in the region, reports with reference to Nasha Gazeta.

The mortality rate in the region increased by 20%, this had a particularly noticeable effect on children, mothers and mortality from cancer. According to Mariyam Beisen, the reason for this is the lack of qualified medical specialists and the incomplete equipment of medical institutions.

25 doctors were involved in the region, but there is a shortage of personnel in areas such as obstetrics, oncology and anesthesiology.

For the current year, 100 additional doctors are expected to arrive in the region, - explained Mariyam Beisen.

She also noted that the level of equipment of medical institutions is 93%, and the condition of the equipment is 25% of deterioration.
