6 February 2019, 03:03 1811

Молодежное крыло Ассамблеи народа Казахстана полно решимости продолжить работу по реализации программ Главы государства.

A youth wing of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan is determined to continue work on the implementation of the programs of the Head of State.

At a meeting of APK’s deputy group head Sauytbek Abdrakhmanov with heads of ethno-cultural associations and young leaders which has taken place in the House of friendship, the chairman of republican youth movement of APK "Zhangyru Zholy" in Astana Natalia Karageur has told about the work done during existence of youth movement, also has shared plans for the current year.

The Head of State in his State of the Nation Address declared 2019 the Year of Youth.

As the chairman of the capital headquarters of "Zhangyru Zholy" emphasized, the work of APK’s youth this year is a logical continuation of the activity, the basis of which was laid in 2018.

"We are ready to promote the President's policy for the benefit of our Motherland," Natalia Karageur said.

On March 15, 2018 the idea of creation of the republican youth movement of APK "Zhangyru Zholy" was supported during the youth conference “Stan’ liderom” ("Become a leader"). As of today, the headquarters of the movement have been established in all regions, including Astana.

As noted by the head of the Astana headquarters, APK and the youth wing are actively involved in the implementation of the project "Rukhani zhangyru". The large-scale historical and ecological action "Sacred heritage – Uly dala eli" and others are realized.

"Meetings of young people were held not only at the national level, but also at the international level. Meetings with the youth public organization "Sodruzhestvo" of Moscow, a meeting with the expeditionary group "Mission Siberia" of the Republic of Lithuania" were held,” Natalia Karageur reminded.

The priority projects of the Assembly will be continued this year as well. These are projects: "PRodvigay sebya", startup forum “Novaya volna” ("New Wave"), motivational meetings "Zhastardyn altyn besigi", "Synergy" Forum.

"Additional activities are being developed to attract young people from socially vulnerable groups, spiritual and moral development projects," chairman of the Astana headquarters of "Zhangyru Zholy" said.

At the opening of Year of Youth, Leader of the Nation identified four main areas of work with young people: education, work, housing and family.

The youth wing of the Assembly chooses them as priorities in its work.

"The Assembly is a unique structure where intergenerational continuity and experience are a priority in working with youth. We would like to encourage elders to support their youth wings. The head of State said that the youth age is raised to 44 years, so we invite interested parties to cooperate. We are confident that this year we are implementing projects that will take our youth, Assembly and our country to a new level," the head of capital's youth movement summed up.


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