28 November 2018, 10:15 2317

Letter of acknowledgement was received from Baikal Mediators League Russian Association in the name of Deputy Chairman of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan – Head of Secretariat of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan Leonid Prokopenko.

In particular, Chairman of the Board of "Baikal Mediators League" Association Anastasia Arkhipkina expresses gratitude to L. Prokopenko for cooperation and notes the support that contributed to the effective implementation of the project "You can do it yourself!".

It should be reminded, in October 2016, "Baikal Mediators League" started implementation of socially significant project in the sphere of protection of the rights and freedoms of human and citizen, including the rights of prisoners", “You can do it yourself!” Development of mediation as a way to protect human rights, a tool to reduce conflict and improve the legal culture in society".

Baikal Mediators League also thanks L. Prokopenko for holding I International Forum "Siberia: Europe and Asia – dialogue on mediation". 

It should be recalled, the Forum was held on October 11-12 in Irkutsk.

During two days of the forum, mediators from Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia discussed the development of mediation in the CIS countries, exchanged views and practical experience in the use of mediation.

A speaker of the forum from the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan was Deputy Chairman of Pavlodar Regional Assembly from ethno-cultural associations, head of the mediation center Olga Nikolashina.
