Kyzylorda marked German Ethnic Culture

5 December 2019, 16:15 1994

The House of Friendship of Kyzylorda hosted the Day of German Ethnic Culture.

Before the event, the guests visited an exhibition of crafts. Under Day of Culture the Head of the Secretariat of the Regional Assembly of People of Kazakhstan L. Tureshova awarded a number of activists of the German ethnocultural association and noted the achievements of the association.

"Just a few days ago the whole country celebrated the state holiday - the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The main purpose of the holiday is to recognize the achievements of the First President, as well as to strengthen peace and harmony in the country.

The Assembly of People of Kazakhstan has been, is and remains a unique institution of consolidation of the society, created on the personal initiative of Nursultan Nazarbayev. The APK has become a true guardian of peace and harmony in Kazakhstan.

In our country all conditions for revival and development of culture, languages of ethnic minors of Kazakhstan are created. Days of culture of ethnic groups allow to get acquainted closer with traditions, history and even national cuisine.

By tradition, I want to express my gratitude to the head of the center Irina Shek, her activists for their contribution to the strengthening of unity and harmony in society," said Tureshova.

In addition, the head of the German ethnocultural association awarded the ensemble "Dostyk" from the village Terenozek to Alexandra Koksharova and Konstantin Luts.
