Kazakhstani MPs visit CICA Headquarters

26 January 2024, 18:09 1594

Kazakhstani parliamentarians led by Andrei Lukin, Chairman of the Committee on International Relations, Defense and Security, Senate of the Parliament, and Aigul Kuspan, Chairperson of the Committee on International Affairs, Defense and Security, Mazhilis of the Parliament, visited Headquarters of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA), El.kz cites MFA.

Kazakhstan’s Members of Parliament were briefed on the achievements and priorities of the Kazakh Chairmanship in the CICA, process of the Conference transformation into a full-fledged international organization, as well as the role and structure of the CICA Secretariat.

In his speech on the achievements of the CICA during the Kazakh Chairmanship Alibek Bakayev, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, noting the success of the 6th CICA Summit, stressed the importance of implementing the Astana Statement on the Conference Transformation.

In addition, at the event Deputy Foreign Minister Alibek Bakayev and CICA Secretary General Kairat Sarybai signed Roadmap for the Implementation of the CICA Chairmanship Priorities for 2023-2024.

The Roadmap covers specified activities aimed at implementation of the CICA transformation process, promotion of institutional development of the Conference, expansion of the content of working bodies, practical implementation of the CICA Catalogue of Confidence-Building Measures, strengthening external relations and the capacity of the Secretariat, as well as organizing major events in 2024.
