Kazakhstan takes 63rd place in 2024 World Social Progress Ranking

9 February 2024, 14:10 1042

In the ranking of world countries in terms of social progress for 2024, Kazakhstan ranked 63rd among 170 countries, receiving an index of 69.73, El.kz reports with reference to Finprom.

Denmark, Norway and Finland led the ranking, while South Sudan took the last place. In the context of the CIS, Kazakhstan was behind Moldova, Armenia, Ukraine and Belarus, but ahead of Russia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan.

The Social Progress Index is considered one of the world's most comprehensive databases on social and environmental indicators. This index focuses on the non-economic aspects of social development at the global level, providing transparent and effective information for a deep understanding of the real state of society. The assessment of countries takes into account macro criteria such as meeting basic needs, well-being and opportunities of citizens.

According to a survey on citizens' satisfaction with their life and its conditions, conducted in 2023 by the Bureau of National Statistics of the ASP&D of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 41.8% of Kazakhstanis were satisfied with their lives - almost the same number as a year earlier. Satisfaction with living conditions was 51.8%, compared to 50% in 2022.

57.7% of Kazakhstanis were partially satisfied with their lives, and 47.4% were satisfied with their living conditions. Only 0.4% of respondents expressed complete dissatisfaction with their lives, and 0.6% expressed dissatisfaction with their living conditions. 0.1% of Kazakhstanis found it difficult to answer the first question, and 0.2% found it difficult to answer the second.

Regarding the environmental aspects related to the cleanliness of the territory adjacent to residential areas (absence of household garbage), the data show that 48.5% of citizens feel satisfied with this aspect, 47.9% are partially satisfied, while 3.3% expressed dissatisfaction with the current situation.

As for satisfaction with clean air (absence of pollution, smoke, dust and dirt), 42.9% of the population of Kazakhstan feel satisfied, 47.6% are partially satisfied, and 9.1% are not satisfied. It is worth noting that the share of dissatisfied citizens has increased by 2.8 percentage points over the past year.

As for the quality of drinking water, 42.9% of respondents expressed satisfaction, which corresponds to last year's figure. 46.2% of respondents feel partially satisfied, while 10.5% expressed dissatisfaction.
