"Kazakhstan's Chairmanship in the UN Security Council: Economic and Political Perspectives"

30 January 2018, 07:40 1153

With a view to realizing the Address of President N.Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan "New opportunities for development in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution" On January 30 of the current year in the ZhGU named after I. Zhansugurov, a round table of the scientific-expert group under the APK of the Almaty region on the topic "Kazakhstan's chairmanship in the UN Security Council: economic and political prospects" was held.

Kazakhstan has been elected a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council (UN Security Council) from the Asia-Pacific Group of States for 2017-2018. This became known by the results of the voting held in the UN General Assembly in New York on June 28, 2016. The candidacy of Kazakhstan was supported by 138 states from 193 UN member states that took part in the voting. Our country became the first Central Asian state to be elected to the most important political body of the United Nations, which is entrusted with the Charter of the Organization to maintain global peace and security.

The moderator was the director of the department for youth policy and social issues Seriev Bolat Abduldayevich.

The event was held with the participation of members of the Regional Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, scientific and expert group, co-workers, "Friendship House - Center for social harmony", faculty and students of ZhПU name I.Zhansugurova, and media representatives.

During the meeting, the chief specialist of the Secretariat of the Regional Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan, Oralov Abilkair Abenuly, delivered a keynote speech on the topic "Elbasy zholdaui - bolashaktin bagdari". Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines Rahhipova Saira Kasymovna read the report on the topic "Kazakhstan's Chairmanship in the UN Security Council". Deputy Chairman of the Russian Ethnocultural Center of Almaty Region Kotelnikova Larisa Leonidovna, in her report on the topic "Kazakhstan's Chairmanship in the UN Security Council: Economic and Political Perspectives" said, "Our country has a clear position on the issue of reforming the Security Council. Kazakhstan shares the view of the majority of countries - members of the United Nations that the Security Council in its current form no longer reflects the realities of our world, because there is no account of the new arisen in the past two decades, the centers of power. Therefore, according to the official position of the country, the composition of the council should expand to more adequately represent the interests of all regions of the world, and the number of its permanent members should be replenished by states that have sufficient economic potential and political influence". Their views on President N.Nazarbayev's Message to the People of Kazakhstan "New Opportunities for Development under the Conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution" were shared by the students Son Alexander, An Alina and Orazaly Aizada.
