Kazakhstan ranks 49th among world's richest countries

6 December 2024, 17:25 3841

For the first time in 2024, HelloSafe is pleased to unveil its World Prosperity Index, which has ranked 186 countries according to a set of criteria including economic, social and environmental development indicators, with the aim of going beyond rankings based solely on gross wealth indicators such as GDP or GNP, El.kz reports.

With 47,36 points Kazakhstan placed 49th in the full ranking.

The HelloSafe Prosperity Index is based on 6 key indicators: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita, Gross National Income (GNI) per capita, gross national savings rate, Human Development Index (HDI), Gini coefficient and poverty rate. See the methodology at the end of the page for the weighting of these indicators and all the relevant explanations.

The results of the HelloSafe Prosperity Indexshow that the top 20 most prosperous countries are largely dominated by European countries, with Luxembourg in the lead (86.2), followed by Norway(85.1) and Ireland (84.7). This ranking reflects the economic strength of these nations, combined with high scores for human development and income equality. Qatar and Singapore stand out as the only non-European countries in the top five, attesting to their dynamic economies and advanced infrastructures. The United States and Canada rank 18th and 19th, while France closes the top 20 with a score of 60.4, illustrating a high level of prosperity, albeit lower than that of Northern European countries and certain dynamic Asian economies.
