Kazakhstan plans to ban distance learning for future doctors, pharmacists and teachers

27 February 2024, 13:17 1324

The Kazakh authorities plan to limit the possibility of distance learning for students of medical, pharmaceutical and pedagogical fields. This proposal is included in the draft order of the Ministry of Science, which is currently at the stage of public discussion, El.kz reports.

The order provides for a ban on distance education in these areas in order to implement recent legislative changes related to education, mentoring and child safety, adopted on February 26. However, an exception will be made for cases of introduction of states of emergency, emergency or quarantine, as provided for in the law "On Education".

The law "On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Education, Mentoring and Safety of Children" was signed by the head of state on February 23. Among other things, it establishes measures to expand the managerial freedom of educational organizations, the introduction of the institution of mentoring for orphans, as well as measures to ensure the safety of children, including a ban on the use of smartphones during lessons.
