Kazakhstan launches programme to help children affected by violence

18 July 2024, 13:14 1020

The program of assistance to children affected by violence has been launched in the country,El.kz with reference to the Kazakh Ministry of Education.

To ensure a safe childhood for every child, the Ministry of Education of Kazakhstan has developed a program to help children who have suffered from violence.

It is aimed at providing comprehensive assistance to minors who have been subjected to domestic abuse, as well as those who have witnessed crimes. Overcoming the emotional, cognitive, and behavioral consequences of trauma resulting from these negative impacts.

The initiative includes an algorithm for providing assistance to children and a set of provided types of assistance, such as medical, psychological, pedagogical, social and legal, based on an assessment of the needs of minors. As part of this work, uniform methodological recommendations have been developed for providing psychological assistance to children and their parents.

Every child has the right to be protected from violence and abuse. The adoption of this assistance initiative reaffirms the commitment of the state and society to protect these rights and ensure a safe childhood for every child.

“This program is an important step in creating a support system that will help children cope with trauma and restore their psychological well-being," chairman of the children's rights protection committee Yulia Ovechkina said.
