Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan: Strengthening Сooperation Through the Common Past

9 October 2019, 15:26 1927

NUR-SULTAN – A round table on "Cultural and Humanitarian Cooperation Between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan" was held in the National Archives of the capital. The event was organized with the support of the Scientific and Expert Council of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan in the organization of the National Center for Manuscripts and Rare Books and Uzbek ethnocultural center.

The round table was attended by Sailau Batyrshauly, advisor to the director of the National Center for Manuscripts and Rare Books, Arab scholar, Amangeldy Kashkimbayev, Deputy Director of the State Historical Institute, Sherzod Pulatov, Deputy Chairman, Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, Chairman of Uzbek Ethno-cultural Center in Nur-Sultan, Oydin Mannopova, First Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Kazakhstan, Nesipbek Aituly, Honored Worker of Kazakhstan, famous akyn, writer and others.

The participants of the round table discussed the Kazakh-Uzbek relations, common for the two countries history, culture and literature. In addition, the results of the working visit of the Kazakh delegation to Uzbekistan within the framework of the program "Archive-2025" were published.

According to the memorandum signed between the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan and the Committee on Foreign Relations and Friendship under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, during the visit to Tashkent, the Kazakh delegation agreed to return copies of ancient manuscripts and books directly related to the history of Kazakhstan.

To date, on the basis of bilateral cooperation and a memorandum on the exchange of experience between Abu Raihan Beruni Institute of Oriental Studies and the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, the Center for Manuscripts and Rare Books, as well as the Scientific and Analytical Council at the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan are engaged in work on the study and research of the history of Kazakhstan.

According to Sherzod Pulatov, Deputy Chairman of APK, the results of this work will be a significant contribution to the historical fund of Kazakhstan. In addition, Sherzod Pulatov highly appreciated the works carried out in the cultural and humanitarian sphere, and introduced the activity of Uzbek Cultural Center.

Sherzod Pulatov, Deputy Chairman of APK:

— Relations between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan are based on the principles of good-neighbourliness and friendship between the two fraternal peoples. The unique institution of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan makes a great contribution to strengthening bilateral relations. In 2018, a memorandum on mutual cooperation was signed with the Committee on Inter-Ethnic Relations and Friendly Ties under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan. As a result, we have seen how various institutions of both countries have established cooperation and contributed to the strengthening of bilateral relations.

Today, there are about 600,000 representatives of the Uzbek ethnic group living in Kazakhstan and 136 Uzbek-teaching schools. In turn, there are about 1 million representatives of the Kazakh ethnos living in Uzbekistan and more than 400 Kazakh schools. It should be noted that Uzbek ethno-cultural associations of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan is the bridge of friendship in their activity, the number of which 42 associations throughout the country. Besides, Dustlik, Association of Uzbeks of the Republic of Kazakhstan makes a great contribution to strengthening friendly relations between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

I would like to note that within the framework of the above mentioned Memorandum between the APK and Committee on Inter-Ethnic Relations and Friendly Ties, the Scientific and Expert Council of the Assembly is actively working on the exchange with its Uzbek colleagues. This is all the result of a new stage of development of our countries and, of course, friendly political will of the heads of both republics.

Nesipbek Aytuly, a translator of a great poet Alisher Navoi’s works, who is the province of the entire Turkic world, shared the news that recently a collection of poems by the Uzbek poet was published in Kazakh language, and read excerpts from Navoi's poems.

Nesipbek Aytuly, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

—As is known, both Kazakh and Uzbek people have common roots. Five centuries ago, we were not divided into separate states. We had a common territory. This shows that we must remain united to this day. Today's event is of great importance for the two people. The book has a special meaning in the culture of any nation. If we talk about Kazakh-Uzbek relations, the whole meeting will not be enough. I have been translating the works of the great Alisher Navoi for 30 years. As for the writer himself, he can be called a true Turkic writer, because in those times when many Turkic people used Persian script and language, he was the first who refused to write in his native language. I am sure that Alisher Navoi is the father of Turkic poetry.

As you know, this year is held under the aegis of "Year of Kazakhstan in the Republic of Uzbekistan". Since the beginning of the year, the two fraternal countries have held various meetings, signed a number of bilateral documents, organized events aimed at strengthening cooperation and deepening relations in the political, social, cultural and humanitarian spheres.

Туремурат Дабисов

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