Kazakh PM: Government to ensure implementation of President's instructions on economic growth and improvement of citizens' living standards

29 January, 15:05 923

Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov held a meeting on the implementation of the instructions of the Head of State, given during the extended Government session on 28 January this year,El.kz cites primeminister.kz.

Deputy Prime Ministers, ministers and leadership of a number of organisations reported on plans to ensure growth of economic sectors, improvement of legislative conditions for investors, development of rare earth metals industry, creation of nuclear cluster, reforming the subsoil use industry, modernisation of road, transport and logistics, engineering infrastructure, ensuring the principle of ‘Law and Order’, introduction of digital solutions and artificial intelligence, further improving the quality of educational and medical services.

Head of the Government stressed that the main reference point of work for the coming period is to ensure economic growth, oriented towards improving the living standards of citizens. The Government will make prompt decisions in all areas and will ensure timely implementation of the President's instructions.

"We must actively work on attracting investment, reforming fiscal policy and subsoil use, strengthening the country's competitive advantages, improving the business climate, infrastructure and energy development, building an integrated system of digitalisation and reformatting the social security system. For this purpose, the Government has all the powers.Ministers and akims should make prompt decisions and bear full responsibility for the implementation of the set tasks. We need a concrete result in each direction, which the Head of State said yesterday, and the effect of each leader both in the centre and on the ground. It is necessary to address specific problems of investors, not to red tape, but on the contrary to help so that businessmen come, develop, build factories, enterprises and production facilities. Every manager should put this at the centre of his work. Only concrete work. You cannot achieve a positive result in the new conditions using the old, bureaucratic methods of work, formalism. I instruct state bodies to focus on the quality fulfilment of tasks set by the Head of State and take decisive measures without unnecessary red tape. Concrete results are expected from us," Olzhas Bektenov noted.

Prime Minister focused on a number of priority areas of work with emphasis on strict strengthening of budget discipline and balanced distribution of the state budget for priority areas.

