Kazakh PM checks implementation of President's instructions on creation of nuclear cluster in Abay region

Today, 12:21 124

Prime Minister Olzhas Bektenov within the framework of his working trip to Abay region checked the progress of implementation of the Head of State's instructions on the development of energy and creation of nuclear cluster, given at the enlarged Government session in January this year, El.kz cites primeminister.kz.

During a flight over the territory of the former Semipalatinsk test site, the head of the Government inspected the facilities of the test site Balapan, including Atomic Lake and mine launchers. Prime Minister also got acquainted with the work of the research nuclear reactor Baikal-1, the world's first specialized tokamak (toroidal chamber with magnetic coils), visited the National Nuclear Centre, where he held a meeting on energy security. During his working trip Prime Minister familiarised himself with the measures taken for the socio-economic development of the city of Kurchatov. In particular, on restoration of housing stock, modernisation of engineering infrastructure, etc.

On the territory of Baikal-1 complex Olzhas Bektenov was reported on the key areas of research of nuclear reactors, conducted at the facility. Attention was paid to the work of research reactor IVG.1M, used for scientific developments in the field of nuclear power and energy technologies. An important milestone is the completion of the conversion of the IVG.1M reactor to low-enriched fuel. This initiative is fully supported by the IAEA. In the course of the conversion, the reactor complex systems were substantially modernised, which contributes to the further development of scientific initiatives aimed at the peaceful use of atomic energy and the enhancement of the country's technological and energy independence. The Prime Minister emphasised that it is necessary to develop the existing potential and provide all-round support to scientists in solving the strategic task. Modernisation of the IVG.1M reactor will be completed in the near future to achieve its design characteristics.

During the inspection of the unique experimental thermonuclear installation tokamak KTM Prime Minister familiarised himself with the main equipment and results of the ongoing research. This is the first specialised installation of such level in the world, put into operation for the last 10 years. The tokamak is designed for fundamental and applied research in the field of controlled thermonuclear fusion, testing of materials for reactors. Experiments on plasma discharge research and materials testing are conducted here, which is an important direction for the development of thermonuclear technologies in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In the office of the National Nuclear Centre (NNC), the head of the Government was reported on key projects in the peaceful use of atomic energy. The Centre is a leading research organisation specialising in nuclear safety, nuclear power and radiation ecology. The issues of further scientific research, development of international cooperation, as well as training of highly qualified specialists were covered. Olzhas Bektenov emphasised the importance of continuing research in the region, aimed at restoring the ecological balance.

A meeting on energy security was also held here under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister. Deputy Minister of Energy Sungat Yesimkhanov, Managing Director of the National Wealth Fund ‘Samruk-Kazyna’ Ernat Berdigulov, Director General of the National Nuclear Centre RSE Erlan Batyrbekov reported on preparations for the construction of Kazakhstan's First Deputy Minister of Energy.

The Ministry of Energy is developing a Strategy for the development of the nuclear industry until 2050, which will cover plans for the construction of subsequent nuclear power plants and the development of other areas necessary for the effective implementation of the nuclear energy programme. In addition, together with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, a draft Comprehensive Plan has been developed to train highly qualified personnel for the construction, operation and maintenance of NPPs on the basis of domestic universities, colleges and the Institute of Nuclear Physics State Enterprise. Approaches to the development of a science city on the territory of Kurchatov were also heard.

"Head of State has set us an important task to develop the energy sector and create a nuclear cluster. Kazakhstan is a leader in uranium exports with a 43% share in the world market. We have experience in using research reactors and powerful scientific potential. The transition to a full nuclear fuel cycle will ensure progress in all sectors of the economy," Olzhas Bektenov said.

At the end of the meeting, the Head of the Government gave a number of instructions to the leadership of the relevant departments.
