Kazakh Opera Gala to Open the 12th Theatrical Season at Astana Opera

28 August 2024, 15:36 1297

Astana Opera will open its 12th theatrical season on September 7 with the Kazakh Opera Gala concert program, which will highlight the richness and diversity of national operas, El.kz cites astanaopera.kz.

The symphony orchestra and opera soloists under the baton of the opera house’s principal conductor and author of the project, Alan Buribayev, will demonstrate their mastery of performing national classics.

Kazakh opera has a rich history, with roots going back to the beginning of the 20th century. Akhmet Zhubanov, Latif Khamidi, Yevgeniy Brussilovsky, Mukan Tulebayev and other composers played a key role in the formation and development of Kazakh opera, creating works that reflected the cultural and social realities of their time. Their operas often included elements of Kazakh folk music, bringing the sounds of the Great Steppe to the opera stage. Addition of works by the next generation of composers, such as Sydyq Mukhamedzhanov, whose centenary is celebrated by the musical community this year, Gaziza Zhubanova, Bazarbai Dzhumaniyazov, Yerkegali Rakhmadiyev, to the concert program demonstrates the evolution of Kazakh opera in the second half of the 20th century. 

“This project is a declaration of love and a tribute of immense respect and enormous gratitude to our musical ancestors, those people who created our operatic culture. To our first classical composers, the founding fathers of Kazakh opera, who created its unique phenomenon, aswell as to the later generation of creators, who strengthened its authority. Our composers wrote strikingly, from the heart, and with great love. They strived to pour the most sincere and ardent melodies into their music, all their pain for their people, and the enormous intensity of their feelings. Inimitable folk motifs and melodies sound especially bright in the wonderful orchestral adornment. Unique steppe kuis simply sweep away with their power, as, for example, in the opera Qurmanghazy. Sublime imagery from classical Kazakh literature by Mukhtar Auezov, Saken Seifullin leave a deep impression, being embodied onstage in the highly dramatic music by Gaziza Zhubanova or in the sincere lyrical works by Sydyq Mukhamedzhanov,” author of the project, Maestro Alan Buribayev, says. 

“Our concert is also an expression of love and gratitude to all those who created our opera together with the great composers. Those conductors, singers, musicians, who were the first performers of many works and personally knew their authors. This concert is a tribute to our opera legends, such as, for example, Manarbek Yerzhanov, Kanabek and Kulyash Baiseitovs, Kurmanbek Dzhandarbekov, Garifolla Kurmangaliyev, Anuarbek Umbetbayev, Abai Baitugayev, Rishat and Muslim Abdullins, Kauken Kenzhetayev, Shabal Beissekova, Baigali Dossymzhanov, Yermek Serkebayev, Roza Dzhamanova, Era Yeponyeshnikova, Bibigul Tulegenova, Nariman Karazhigitov, Murat Mussabayev, Shora Umbetaliyev, Rakhima Zhubaturova, Horlan Kalilambekova, Alibek Dnishev, first conductors of historical premieres, Grigoriy Stolyarov, Leonid Shargorodskiy, Gaziz Dugashev, Valeriy Rutter, Turgut Osmanov, Fuat Mansurov, Tolepbergen Abdrashev, and many other outstanding figures. Thanks to these people, our opera has its own unique face today. Our concert is a return to our roots,” Maestro Buribayev concluded. 

The concert will feature Astana Opera’s principal soloists, whose voices have captivated both the Kazakh and foreign audiences, as well as the opera house’s wonderful symphony orchestra, which always presents its skills at a high level.

Kazakh Opera Gala will set the tone for Astana Opera’s entire upcoming exciting and diverse 12thseason. With this program, the opera house continues to position itself as a flagship, preserving and advancing Kazakhstan’s musical heritage. 
