23 January 2019, 03:25 1066

Friendship House of Taraz hosted a meeting of the Council of Mediators. Its participants discussed the prospects of development and application of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Mediation", the main mechanisms of interaction with government agencies, civil society institutions to strengthen and activate the activities of the mediation institution.

Among other items on the agenda, the work plan for 2019, the concept of implementation of the roadmap of the republican youth movement APK "Zhangyru Zholy" were also considered.

In her speech, Valentina Dosybiyeva, the head of the mediation office, noted the positive dynamics of citizens' appeals, as well as the awareness and knowledge of the population about the mediation procedures themselves. "We can already see the results of the work carried out by the Cabinet of Ministers on the promotion of reconciliation procedures – the total number of disputes resolved through the use of reconciliation procedures has increased by 5% of the total number of disputes compared to last year, but these are insignificant results, but nevertheless, there is a shift. In order for mediation to become a popular institute for dispute resolution in the region, it is necessary to actively use the potential of the Council of Mediators in carrying out advocacy work on the development of the institution of mediation in the region," the speaker noted.

Larisa Safonova, Chairman of the Mediation Council, drew attention to the formation of a positive attitude in the society towards mediation and conciliation procedures.

"In order to create a safe environment and conflict-free communication among young people, it is necessary to develop the skills of mediation approach of young people in conflict and crisis situations. The activity of all young people, culture and skills of conflict-free communication determine what our country will be like in the future. The year 2019 has been declared the Year of Youth, so it is necessary to begin to form an active civic position among young people, to conduct trainings on the basics of media competence for them," the speaker stressed. 

The participants of the meeting also discussed the problems and issues that hinder the development of mediation in the region, made proposals to improve legislation.
